Well its been a hell of a 2010. Gone through a lot of stuff, some bad but lots of good. Moving back home was easily the best thing i could of ever done. I got away from all the things wrong with my life, certain people etc. Plus, i ended up finding Claire…well i say found but I've known her for ages but i finally managed to get the guts to ask her out. anyway this isn’t about me and her.
People… 2011 is upon us all and I’ve made it my personal resolution to finally do something with my life. For the next year or so I will be keeping up to date writing these blogs. I’m venturing into the world of freelance graphic design and i shall be posting my year of work, experiences and just fun stuff that happens to moi all throughout 2011.
Well like Its only been an hour or so since i set this up so no posts just yet but keep your eye out folks for the next few days. If you wanna follow then please be my guest.
Peace be with you (been playing assassins creed ALOT :P)
Mr Pancakez