Saturday, 12 February 2011

It’s Been a Loooong Time. How Have You Been? You Murderer.

Well hello travellers, it’s been a while since I last posted. I’ve been a little busy as of late and major changes have occurred. First off I would like to say congratulations to my sister and her partner for bringing my nephew Andrew into this world.

He’s so cute just look at him :P


With that said and done, it’s time for my MAJOR update (Yes, there was a need for caps). I Danny ‘Pancakez’ A’Barrow have realised how hard it is going to be for my whole venture into graphic design to happen SO… although i will still be creative in my spare time I will not be advertising myself as freelance. If someone where to maybe take a liking to my work one day and offer me something then I’m all for it so this blog will now be just about me and my everyday adventures ^_^

NOW! onto the creativeness.

Brian O’Malley is an inspiration of mine for his artwork alone. He made me really want to make my own comic. I’ve had ideas for years but never had the means to go about it, that is until just recently with the purchase of my graphics tab SMILEY FACE!!! I’ll go more into depth in another post but what I wanted to do is pretty much fan art but not Scott Pilgrim. I wanted to pay tribute to O’Malley himself and his style so went about creating all my friends in O’Malley style drawings with a little pancakez twist. Check them out below.

movie poster

I went for the style of the movie poster for Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.


All there looks and style were based on their real life characters.


[all the individual pictures can be found on my Facebook Page]









So peeps, until next time. Pancakez out

oh i almost forgot here a picture of a llama, enjoy ^_^
